Ed Santiago f5b3dc976c Tests: Fix common flakes, and improve apiv2 test log
- apiv2 - the 'ten /info requests' test is flaking often,
  taking ~8 seconds (our limit is 7, up from 5 a few weeks
  ago). Brent suggested that the first /info call might be
  expensive, because it needs to access storage. So, let's
  prime it by running one /info outside the timing loop.
  And, because even that continues to fail, bump it up
  to 10 seconds and file #8076 to track the slowdown.

- toolbox test - WaitForReady() has timed out, even on one
  occasion causing a run failure because it failed 3 times.
  Solution: bump up timeout from 2s to 5s. Not really great,
  but CI systems are underpowered, and it's not unreasonable
  that 2s might be too low.

- sdnotify test - add a 'podman wait' between stop & rm.
  This may prevent a "cannot rm container as it is running"
  race condition.

While working on this, Brent and I noticed a few ways that
test-apiv2 logging can be improved:

- test name: when request is POST, display the jsonified
  parameters, not the original input ones. This should
  make it much easier to reproduce failures.

- use curl's "--write-out" option to capture http code,
  content type, and request time. We were getting the
  first two via grep from logged headers; this is cleaner.
  And there was no other way to get timing. We now include
  the timing as X-Response-Time in the log file.

- abort on *any* curl error, not just 7 (cannot connect).
  Any error at all from curl is bad news.

Signed-off-by: Ed Santiago <santiago@redhat.com>
2020-10-20 11:32:49 -06:00

153 lines
4.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats -*- bats -*-
# Tests for systemd sdnotify
load helpers
# Shared throughout this module: PID of socat process, and path to its log
function setup() {
skip_if_remote "systemd tests are meaningless over remote"
# Skip if systemd is not running
systemctl list-units &>/dev/null || skip "systemd not available"
# sdnotify fails with runc 1.0.0-3-dev2 on Ubuntu. Let's just
# assume that we work only with crun, nothing else.
run_podman info --format '{{ .Host.OCIRuntime.Name }}'
if [[ "$output" != "crun" ]]; then
skip "this test only works with crun, not '$output'"
function teardown() {
# BEGIN helpers
# Run socat process on a socket, logging to well-known path. Each received
# packet is logged with a newline appended, for ease of parsing the log file.
function _start_socat() {
rm -f $_SOCAT_LOG
socat unix-recvfrom:"$NOTIFY_SOCKET",fork \
system:"(cat;echo) >> $_SOCAT_LOG" &
# Stop the socat background process and clean up logs
function _stop_socat() {
if [[ -n "$_SOCAT_PID" ]]; then
kill $_SOCAT_PID
if [[ -n "$_SOCAT_LOG" ]]; then
rm -f $_SOCAT_LOG
# Check that MAINPID=xxxxx points to a running conmon process
function _assert_mainpid_is_conmon() {
local mainpid=$(expr "$1" : "MAINPID=\([0-9]\+\)")
test -n "$mainpid" || die "Could not parse '$1' as 'MAINPID=nnnn'"
test -d /proc/$mainpid || die "sdnotify MAINPID=$mainpid - but /proc/$mainpid does not exist"
# e.g. /proc/12345/exe -> /usr/bin/conmon
local mainpid_bin=$(readlink /proc/$mainpid/exe)
is "$mainpid_bin" ".*/conmon" "sdnotify MAINPID=$mainpid is conmon process"
# END helpers
# BEGIN tests themselves
@test "sdnotify : ignore" {
run_podman 1 run --rm --sdnotify=ignore $IMAGE printenv NOTIFY_SOCKET
is "$output" "" "\$NOTIFY_SOCKET in container"
is "$(< $_SOCAT_LOG)" "" "nothing received on socket"
@test "sdnotify : conmon" {
run_podman run -d --name sdnotify_conmon_c \
--sdnotify=conmon \
sh -c 'printenv NOTIFY_SOCKET;echo READY;while ! test -f /stop;do sleep 0.1;done'
wait_for_ready $cid
run_podman logs sdnotify_conmon_c
is "$output" "READY" "\$NOTIFY_SOCKET in container"
run cat $_SOCAT_LOG
is "${lines[-1]}" "READY=1" "final output from sdnotify"
_assert_mainpid_is_conmon "${lines[0]}"
# Done. Stop container, clean up.
run_podman exec $cid touch /stop
run_podman wait $cid
run_podman rm $cid
@test "sdnotify : container" {
# Sigh... we need to pull a humongous image because it has systemd-notify.
# (IMPORTANT: fedora:32 and above silently removed systemd-notify; this
# caused CI to hang. That's why we explicitly require fedora:31)
# FIXME: is there a smaller image we could use?
# Pull that image. Retry in case of flakes.
run_podman pull $_FEDORA || \
run_podman pull $_FEDORA || \
run_podman pull $_FEDORA
export NOTIFY_SOCKET=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/container.sock
run_podman run -d --sdnotify=container $_FEDORA \
sh -c 'printenv NOTIFY_SOCKET;echo READY;systemd-notify --ready;while ! test -f /stop;do sleep 0.1;done'
wait_for_ready $cid
run_podman logs $cid
is "${lines[0]}" "/.*/container\.sock/notify" "NOTIFY_SOCKET is passed to container"
# With container, READY=1 isn't necessarily the last message received;
# just look for it anywhere in received messages
run cat $_SOCAT_LOG
is "$output" ".*READY=1" "received READY=1 through notify socket"
_assert_mainpid_is_conmon "${lines[0]}"
# Done. Stop container, clean up.
run_podman exec $cid touch /stop
run_podman wait $cid
run_podman rm $cid
run_podman rmi $_FEDORA
# vim: filetype=sh