Paul Holzinger ddece758a4
libpod: remove UpdateContainerStatus()
There are two major problems with UpdateContainerStatus()
First, it can deadlock when the the state json is to big as it tries to
read stderr until EOF but it will never hit EOF as long as the runtime
process is alive. This means if the runtime json is to big to git into
the pipe buffer we deadlock ourselves.
Second, the function modifies the container state struct and even adds
and exit code to the db however when it is called from the stop() code
path we will be unlocked here.

While the first problem is easy to fix the second one not so much. And
when we cannot update the state there is no point in reading the from
runtime in the first place as such remove the function as it does more
harm then good.

And add some warnings the the functions that might be called unlocked.

Fixes #22246

Signed-off-by: Paul Holzinger <pholzing@redhat.com>
2024-08-16 15:34:16 +02:00

235 lines
11 KiB

//go:build !remote
package libpod
import (
// OCIRuntime is an implementation of an OCI runtime.
// The OCI runtime implementation is expected to be a fairly thin wrapper around
// the actual runtime, and is not expected to include things like state
// management logic - e.g., we do not expect it to determine on its own that
// calling 'UnpauseContainer()' on a container that is not paused is an error.
// The code calling the OCIRuntime will manage this.
// TODO: May want to move the conmon cleanup code here - it depends on
// Conmon being in use.
type OCIRuntime interface { //nolint:interfacebloat
// Name returns the name of the runtime.
Name() string
// Path returns the path to the runtime executable.
Path() string
// CreateContainer creates the container in the OCI runtime.
// The returned int64 contains the microseconds needed to restore
// the given container if it is a restore and if restoreOptions.PrintStats
// is true. In all other cases the returned int64 is 0.
CreateContainer(ctr *Container, restoreOptions *ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error)
// StartContainer starts the given container.
StartContainer(ctr *Container) error
// KillContainer sends the given signal to the given container.
// If all is set, all processes in the container will be signalled;
// otherwise, only init will be signalled.
KillContainer(ctr *Container, signal uint, all bool) error
// StopContainer stops the given container.
// The container's stop signal (or SIGTERM if unspecified) will be sent
// first.
// After the given timeout, SIGKILL will be sent.
// If the given timeout is 0, SIGKILL will be sent immediately, and the
// stop signal will be omitted.
// If all is set, we will attempt to use the --all flag will `kill` in
// the OCI runtime to kill all processes in the container, including
// exec sessions. This is only supported if the container has cgroups.
StopContainer(ctr *Container, timeout uint, all bool) error
// DeleteContainer deletes the given container from the OCI runtime.
DeleteContainer(ctr *Container) error
// PauseContainer pauses the given container.
PauseContainer(ctr *Container) error
// UnpauseContainer unpauses the given container.
UnpauseContainer(ctr *Container) error
// Attach to a container.
Attach(ctr *Container, params *AttachOptions) error
// HTTPAttach performs an attach intended to be transported over HTTP.
// For terminal attach, the container's output will be directly streamed
// to output; otherwise, STDOUT and STDERR will be multiplexed, with
// a header prepended as follows: 1-byte STREAM (0, 1, 2 for STDIN,
// STDOUT, STDERR), 3 null (0x00) bytes, 4-byte big endian length.
// If a cancel channel is provided, it can be used to asynchronously
// terminate the attach session. Detach keys, if given, will also cause
// the attach session to be terminated if provided via the STDIN
// channel. If they are not provided, the default detach keys will be
// used instead. Detach keys of "" will disable detaching via keyboard.
// The streams parameter will determine which streams to forward to the
// client.
HTTPAttach(ctr *Container, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, streams *HTTPAttachStreams, detachKeys *string, cancel <-chan bool, hijackDone chan<- bool, streamAttach, streamLogs bool) error
// AttachResize resizes the terminal in use by the given container.
AttachResize(ctr *Container, newSize resize.TerminalSize) error
// ExecContainer executes a command in a running container.
// Returns an int (PID of exec session), error channel (errors from
// attach), and error (errors that occurred attempting to start the exec
// session). This returns once the exec session is running - not once it
// has completed, as one might expect. The attach session will remain
// running, in a goroutine that will return via the chan error in the
// return signature.
// newSize resizes the tty to this size before the process is started, must be nil if the exec session has no tty
ExecContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, streams *define.AttachStreams, newSize *resize.TerminalSize) (int, chan error, error)
// ExecContainerHTTP executes a command in a running container and
// attaches its standard streams to a provided hijacked HTTP session.
// Maintains the same invariants as ExecContainer (returns on session
// start, with a goroutine running in the background to handle attach).
// The HTTP attach itself maintains the same invariants as HTTPAttach.
// newSize resizes the tty to this size before the process is started, must be nil if the exec session has no tty
ExecContainerHTTP(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter,
streams *HTTPAttachStreams, cancel <-chan bool, hijackDone chan<- bool, holdConnOpen <-chan bool, newSize *resize.TerminalSize) (int, chan error, error)
// ExecContainerDetached executes a command in a running container, but
// does not attach to it. Returns the PID of the exec session and an
// error (if starting the exec session failed)
ExecContainerDetached(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, stdin bool) (int, error)
// ExecAttachResize resizes the terminal of a running exec session. Only
// allowed with sessions that were created with a TTY.
ExecAttachResize(ctr *Container, sessionID string, newSize resize.TerminalSize) error
// ExecStopContainer stops a given exec session in a running container.
// SIGTERM with be sent initially, then SIGKILL after the given timeout.
// If timeout is 0, SIGKILL will be sent immediately, and SIGTERM will
// be omitted.
ExecStopContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, timeout uint) error
// ExecUpdateStatus checks the status of a given exec session.
// Returns true if the session is still running, or false if it exited.
ExecUpdateStatus(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (bool, error)
// CheckpointContainer checkpoints the given container.
// Some OCI runtimes may not support this - if SupportsCheckpoint()
// returns false, this is not implemented, and will always return an
// error. If CheckpointOptions.PrintStats is true the first return parameter
// contains the number of microseconds the runtime needed to checkpoint
// the given container.
CheckpointContainer(ctr *Container, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error)
// CheckConmonRunning verifies that the given container's Conmon
// instance is still running. Runtimes without Conmon, or systems where
// the PID of conmon is not available, should mock this as True.
// True indicates that Conmon for the instance is running, False
// indicates it is not.
CheckConmonRunning(ctr *Container) (bool, error)
// SupportsCheckpoint returns whether this OCI runtime
// implementation supports the CheckpointContainer() operation.
SupportsCheckpoint() bool
// SupportsJSONErrors is whether the runtime can return JSON-formatted
// error messages.
SupportsJSONErrors() bool
// SupportsNoCgroups is whether the runtime supports running containers
// without cgroups.
SupportsNoCgroups() bool
// SupportsKVM os whether the OCI runtime supports running containers
// without KVM separation
SupportsKVM() bool
// AttachSocketPath is the path to the socket to attach to a given
// container.
// TODO: If we move Attach code in here, this should be made internal.
// We don't want to force all runtimes to share the same attach
// implementation.
AttachSocketPath(ctr *Container) (string, error)
// ExecAttachSocketPath is the path to the socket to attach to a given
// exec session in the given container.
// TODO: Probably should be made internal.
ExecAttachSocketPath(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (string, error)
// ExitFilePath is the path to a container's exit file.
// All runtime implementations must create an exit file when containers
// exit, containing the exit code of the container (as a string).
// This is the path to that file for a given container.
ExitFilePath(ctr *Container) (string, error)
// OOMFilePath is the path to a container's oom file if it was oom killed.
// An oom file is only created when the container is oom killed. The existence
// of this file means that the container was oom killed.
// This is the path to that file for a given container.
OOMFilePath(ctr *Container) (string, error)
// RuntimeInfo returns verbose information about the runtime.
RuntimeInfo() (*define.ConmonInfo, *define.OCIRuntimeInfo, error)
// UpdateContainer updates the given container's cgroup configuration.
UpdateContainer(ctr *Container, res *specs.LinuxResources) error
// AttachOptions are options used when attached to a container or an exec
// session.
type AttachOptions struct {
// Streams are the streams to attach to.
Streams *define.AttachStreams
// DetachKeys containers the key combination that will detach from the
// attach session. Empty string is assumed as no detach keys - user
// detach is impossible. If unset, defaults from containers.conf will be
// used.
DetachKeys *string
// InitialSize is the initial size of the terminal. Set before the
// attach begins.
InitialSize *resize.TerminalSize
// AttachReady signals when the attach has successfully completed and
// streaming has begun.
AttachReady chan<- bool
// Start indicates that the container should be started if it is not
// already running.
Start bool
// Started signals when the container has been successfully started.
// Required if Start is true, unused otherwise.
Started chan<- bool
// ExecOptions are options passed into ExecContainer. They control the command
// that will be executed and how the exec will proceed.
type ExecOptions struct {
// Cmd is the command to execute.
Cmd []string
// Env is a set of environment variables to add to the container.
Env map[string]string
// Terminal is whether to create a new TTY for the exec session.
Terminal bool
// Cwd is the working directory for the executed command. If unset, the
// working directory of the container will be used.
Cwd string
// User is the user the command will be executed as. If unset, the user
// the container was run as will be used.
User string
// Streams are the streams that will be attached to the container.
Streams *define.AttachStreams
// PreserveFDs is a number of additional file descriptors (in addition
// to 0, 1, 2) that will be passed to the executed process. The total FDs
// passed will be 3 + PreserveFDs.
PreserveFDs uint
// PreserveFD is a list of additional file descriptors (in addition
// to 0, 1, 2) that will be passed to the executed process.
PreserveFD []uint
// DetachKeys is a set of keys that, when pressed in sequence, will
// detach from the container.
// If not provided, the default keys will be used.
// If provided but set to "", detaching from the container will be
// disabled.
DetachKeys *string
// ExitCommand is a command that will be run after the exec session
// exits.
ExitCommand []string
// ExitCommandDelay is a delay (in seconds) between the exec session
// exiting, and the exit command being invoked.
ExitCommandDelay uint
// Privileged indicates the execed process will be launched in Privileged mode
Privileged bool
// HTTPAttachStreams informs the HTTPAttach endpoint which of the container's
// standard streams should be streamed to the client. If this is passed, at
// least one of the streams must be set to true.
type HTTPAttachStreams struct {
Stdin bool
Stdout bool
Stderr bool