### ### Makefile Navigation ### # # This file is organized based on approximate end-to-end workflow: # # 1. Variables and common definitions are located at the top # to make finding them quicker. # 2. Main entry-point targets, like "default", "all", and "help" # 3. Targets for code formatting and validation # 4. Primary build targets, like podman and podman-remote # 5. Secondary build targets, shell completions, static and multi-arch. # 6. Targets that format and build documentation # 7. Testing targets # 8. Release and package-building targets # 9. Targets that install tools, utilities, binaries and packages # 10. Uninstall / Cleanup targets # ### ### Variables & Definitions ### # Default shell `/bin/sh` has different meanings depending on the platform. SHELL := $(shell command -v bash;) GO ?= go GO_LDFLAGS:= $(shell if $(GO) version|grep -q gccgo ; then echo "-gccgoflags"; else echo "-ldflags"; fi) GOCMD = CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) $(GO) COVERAGE_PATH ?= .coverage DESTDIR ?= EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT ?= $(shell git merge-base $${DEST_BRANCH:-main} HEAD) HEAD ?= HEAD PROJECT := github.com/containers/podman GIT_BASE_BRANCH ?= origin/main LIBPOD_INSTANCE := libpod_dev PREFIX ?= /usr/local RELEASE_PREFIX = /usr BINDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/bin LIBEXECDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/libexec LIBEXECPODMAN ?= ${LIBEXECDIR}/podman MANDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/share/man SHAREDIR_CONTAINERS ?= ${PREFIX}/share/containers ETCDIR ?= /etc LIBDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/lib TMPFILESDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/tmpfiles.d USERTMPFILESDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/share/user-tmpfiles.d MODULESLOADDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/modules-load.d SYSTEMDDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/systemd/system USERSYSTEMDDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/systemd/user SYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/systemd/system-generators USERSYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR ?= ${LIBDIR}/systemd/user-generators REMOTETAGS ?= remote exclude_graphdriver_btrfs btrfs_noversion exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper containers_image_openpgp BUILDTAGS ?= \ $(shell hack/apparmor_tag.sh) \ $(shell hack/btrfs_installed_tag.sh) \ $(shell hack/btrfs_tag.sh) \ $(shell hack/systemd_tag.sh) \ $(shell hack/libsubid_tag.sh) \ exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper \ seccomp # allow downstreams to easily add build tags while keeping our defaults BUILDTAGS += ${EXTRA_BUILDTAGS} # N/B: This value is managed by Renovate, manual changes are # possible, as long as they don't disturb the formatting # (i.e. DO NOT ADD A 'v' prefix!) GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION := 1.61.0 PYTHON ?= $(shell command -v python3 python|head -n1) PKG_MANAGER ?= $(shell command -v dnf yum|head -n1) # ~/.local/bin is not in PATH on all systems PRE_COMMIT = $(shell command -v bin/venv/bin/pre-commit ~/.local/bin/pre-commit pre-commit | head -n1) ifeq ($(shell uname -s),FreeBSD) SED=gsed GREP=ggrep MAN_L= mandoc # FreeBSD needs CNI until netavark is supported BUILDTAGS += cni else SED=sed GREP=grep MAN_L= man -l endif # This isn't what we actually build; it's a superset, used for target # dependencies. Basically: all *.go and *.c files, except *_test.go, # and except anything in a dot subdirectory. If any of these files is # newer than our target (bin/podman{,-remote}), a rebuild is # triggered. SOURCES = $(shell find . -path './.*' -prune -o \( \( -name '*.go' -o -name '*.c' \) -a ! -name '*_test.go' \) -print) BUILDTAGS_CROSS ?= containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_btrfs exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper exclude_graphdriver_overlay CONTAINER_RUNTIME := $(shell command -v podman 2> /dev/null || echo docker) OCI_RUNTIME ?= "" # The 'sort' below is crucial: without it, 'make docs' behaves differently # on the first run than on subsequent ones, because the generated .md MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR = docs/source/markdown MANPAGES_MD_IN ?= $(wildcard $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/*.md.in) MANPAGES_MD_GENERATED ?= $(MANPAGES_MD_IN:%.md.in=%.md) MANPAGES_MD ?= $(sort $(wildcard $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/*.md) $(MANPAGES_MD_GENERATED) $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/podman-troubleshooting.7.md $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/podman-rootless.7.md) MANPAGES ?= $(MANPAGES_MD:%.md=%) MANPAGES_DEST ?= $(subst markdown,man, $(subst source,build,$(MANPAGES))) BASHINSTALLDIR=${PREFIX}/share/bash-completion/completions ZSHINSTALLDIR=${PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions FISHINSTALLDIR=${PREFIX}/share/fish/vendor_completions.d SELINUXOPT ?= $(shell test -x /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && selinuxenabled && echo -Z) COMMIT_NO ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) GIT_COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),$(call err_if_empty,COMMIT_NO)-dirty,$(COMMIT_NO)) DATE_FMT = %s ifdef SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH BUILD_INFO ?= $(shell date -u -d "@$(call err_if_empty,SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" "+$(DATE_FMT)" 2>/dev/null || date -u -r "$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" "+$(DATE_FMT)" 2>/dev/null || date -u "+$(DATE_FMT)") else BUILD_INFO ?= $(shell date "+$(DATE_FMT)") endif LIBPOD := ${PROJECT}/v5/libpod GOFLAGS ?= -trimpath LDFLAGS_PODMAN ?= \ $(if $(GIT_COMMIT),-X $(LIBPOD)/define.gitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT),) \ $(if $(BUILD_INFO),-X $(LIBPOD)/define.buildInfo=$(BUILD_INFO),) \ -X $(LIBPOD)/config._installPrefix=$(PREFIX) \ -X $(LIBPOD)/config._etcDir=$(ETCDIR) \ -X $(PROJECT)/v5/pkg/systemd/quadlet._binDir=$(BINDIR) \ -X github.com/containers/common/pkg/config.additionalHelperBinariesDir=$(HELPER_BINARIES_DIR)\ $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC ?= \ $(LDFLAGS_PODMAN) \ -extldflags=-static #Update to LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT should reflect in Dockerfile too. LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT := v2.3.3 # Rarely if ever should integration tests take more than 50min, # caller may override in special circumstances if needed. GINKGOTIMEOUT ?= -timeout=90m # By default, run test/e2e GINKGOWHAT ?= test/e2e/. GINKGO_PARALLEL=y GINKGO ?= ./test/tools/build/ginkgo # Allow control over some Ginkgo parameters GINKGO_FLAKE_ATTEMPTS ?= 0 GINKGO_NO_COLOR ?= y # Conditional required to produce empty-output if binary not built yet. RELEASE_VERSION = $(shell if test -x test/version/version; then test/version/version; fi) RELEASE_NUMBER = $(shell echo "$(call err_if_empty,RELEASE_VERSION)" | sed -e 's/^v\(.*\)/\1/') # If non-empty, logs all output from server during remote system testing PODMAN_SERVER_LOG ?= # Ensure GOBIN is not set so the default (`go env GOPATH`/bin) is used. override undefine GOBIN # This must never include the 'hack' directory export PATH := $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH) GOMD2MAN ?= ./test/tools/build/go-md2man # There are many possibly unexpected places where podman is used. For example # by OpenWRT for routers and other similar small "edge" devices. Testing builds # for otherwise non-mainstream architectures ensures we catch platform-specific # toolchain shenanigans early, for example: # https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/8782 CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS := \ bin/podman.cross.linux.amd64 \ bin/podman.cross.linux.ppc64le \ bin/podman.cross.linux.arm \ bin/podman.cross.linux.arm64 \ bin/podman.cross.linux.386 \ bin/podman.cross.linux.s390x \ bin/podman.cross.linux.loong64 \ bin/podman.cross.linux.mips \ bin/podman.cross.linux.mipsle \ bin/podman.cross.linux.mips64 \ bin/podman.cross.linux.mips64le \ bin/podman.cross.linux.riscv64 \ bin/podman.cross.freebsd.amd64 \ bin/podman.cross.freebsd.arm64 # Dereference variable $(1), return value if non-empty, otherwise raise an error. err_if_empty = $(if $(strip $($(1))),$(strip $($(1))),$(error Required variable $(1) value is undefined, whitespace, or empty)) # Podman does not work w/o CGO_ENABLED, except in some very specific cases. # Windows and Mac (both podman-remote client only) require CGO_ENABLED=0. CGO_ENABLED ?= 1 # Default to the native OS type and architecture unless otherwise specified NATIVE_GOOS := $(shell env -u GOOS $(GO) env GOOS) GOOS ?= $(call err_if_empty,NATIVE_GOOS) # Default to the native architecture type NATIVE_GOARCH := $(shell env -u GOARCH $(GO) env GOARCH) GOARCH ?= $(NATIVE_GOARCH) ifeq ($(call err_if_empty,GOOS),windows) BINSFX := .exe SRCBINDIR := bin/windows CGO_ENABLED := 0 else ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin) BINSFX := SRCBINDIR := bin/darwin CGO_ENABLED := 0 else ifeq ($(GOOS),freebsd) BINSFX := -remote SRCBINDIR := bin RELEASE_PREFIX = /usr/local else BINSFX := -remote SRCBINDIR := bin endif # Necessary for nested-$(MAKE) calls and docs/remote-docs.sh export GOOS GOARCH CGO_ENABLED BINSFX SRCBINDIR # Need to use CGO for mDNS resolution, but cross builds need CGO disabled # See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12524 for details DARWIN_GCO := 0 ifeq ($(call err_if_empty,NATIVE_GOOS),darwin) ifdef HOMEBREW_PREFIX DARWIN_GCO := 1 endif endif # gvisor-tap-vsock version for gvproxy.exe and win-sshproxy.exe downloads # the upstream project ships pre-built binaries since version 0.7.1 GV_VERSION=v0.7.5 ### ### Primary entry-point targets ### .PHONY: default default: all .PHONY: all all: binaries docs .PHONY: binaries ifeq ($(shell uname -s),FreeBSD) binaries: podman podman-remote ## Build podman and podman-remote binaries else ifneq (, $(findstring $(GOOS),darwin windows)) binaries: podman-remote ## Build podman-remote (client) only binaries else binaries: podman podman-remote podman-testing podmansh rootlessport quadlet ## Build podman, podman-remote and rootlessport binaries quadlet endif # Extract text following double-# for targets, as their description for # the `help` target. Otherwise these simple-substitutions are resolved # at reference-time (due to `=` and not `=:`). _HLP_TGTS_RX = '^[[:print:]]+:.*?\#\# .*$$' _HLP_TGTS_CMD = $(GREP) -E $(_HLP_TGTS_RX) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) _HLP_TGTS_LEN = $(shell $(call err_if_empty,_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | cut -d : -f 1 | wc -L 2>/dev/null || echo "PARSING_ERROR") # Separated condition for Darwin ifeq ($(shell uname -s)$(_HLP_TGTS_LEN),DarwinPARSING_ERROR) ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/local/bin/gwc)) _HLP_TGTS_LEN = $(shell $(call err_if_empty,_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | cut -d : -f 1 | gwc -L) else $(warning On Darwin (MacOS) installed coreutils is necessary) $(warning Use 'brew install coreutils' command to install coreutils on your system) endif endif _HLPFMT = "%-$(call err_if_empty,_HLP_TGTS_LEN)s %s\n" .PHONY: help help: ## (Default) Print listing of key targets with their descriptions @printf $(_HLPFMT) "Target:" "Description:" @printf $(_HLPFMT) "--------------" "--------------------" @$(_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | sort | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":(.*)?## "}; \ {printf $(_HLPFMT), $$1, $$2}' ### ### Linting/Formatting/Code Validation targets ### .PHONY: .gitvalidation .gitvalidation: .install.gitvalidation @echo "Validating vs commit '$(call err_if_empty,EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)'" GIT_CHECK_EXCLUDE="./vendor:./test/tools/vendor:docs/make.bat:test/buildah-bud/buildah-tests.diff:test/e2e/quadlet/remap-keep-id2.container" ./test/tools/build/git-validation -run short-subject -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..$(HEAD) .PHONY: lint lint: golangci-lint ifeq ($(PRE_COMMIT),) @echo "FATAL: pre-commit was not found, make .install.pre-commit to installing it." >&2 @exit 2 endif $(PRE_COMMIT) run -a .PHONY: golangci-lint golangci-lint: .install.golangci-lint hack/golangci-lint.sh run .PHONY: test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp: $(wildcard test/checkseccomp/*.go) $(GOCMD) build $(BUILDFLAGS) $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -o $@ ./test/checkseccomp .PHONY: test/testvol/testvol test/testvol/testvol: $(wildcard test/testvol/*.go) $(GOCMD) build -o $@ ./test/testvol .PHONY: volume-plugin-test-img volume-plugin-test-img: ./bin/podman build --network none -t quay.io/libpod/volume-plugin-test-img:$$(date +%Y%m%d) -f ./test/testvol/Containerfile . .PHONY: test/goecho/goecho test/goecho/goecho: $(wildcard test/goecho/*.go) $(GOCMD) build $(BUILDFLAGS) $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -o $@ ./test/goecho # The ./test/version/version binary is executed in other make steps # so we have to make sure the version binary is built for NATIVE_GOARCH. test/version/version: version/version.go GOARCH=$(NATIVE_GOARCH) $(GO) build -o $@ ./test/version/ .PHONY: codespell codespell: # Configuration for codespell is in .codespellrc codespell -w # Code validation target that **DOES NOT** require building podman binaries .PHONY: validate-source validate-source: lint .gitvalidation swagger-check tests-expect-exit pr-removes-fixed-skips # Code validation target that **DOES** require building podman binaries .PHONY: validate-binaries validate-binaries: man-page-check validate.completions .PHONY: validate validate: validate-source validate-binaries # The image used below is generated manually from contrib/validatepr/Containerfile in this podman repo. The builds are # not automated right now. The hope is that eventually the quay.io/libpod/fedora_podman is multiarch and can replace this # image in the future. .PHONY: validatepr validatepr: $(PODMANCMD) run --rm \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/github.com/containers/podman \ --security-opt label=disable \ -it \ -w /go/src/github.com/containers/podman \ quay.io/libpod/validatepr:latest \ make .validatepr .PHONY: .validatepr .validatepr: env BUILDTAGS="$(BUILDTAGS)" REMOTETAGS="$(REMOTETAGS)" contrib/validatepr/validatepr.sh .PHONY: build-all-new-commits build-all-new-commits: # Validate that all the commits build on top of $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH) git rebase $(call err_if_empty,GIT_BASE_BRANCH) -x "$(MAKE)" .PHONY: vendor vendor: $(GO) mod tidy $(GO) mod vendor $(GO) mod verify # We define *-in-container targets for the following make targets. This allow the targets to be run in a container. # Note that the PODMANCMD can also be overridden to allow a different container CLI to be used on systems where podman is not already available. IN_CONTAINER_TARGETS = vendor validate PODMANCMD ?= podman IN_CONTAINER = $(patsubst %,%-in-container,$(IN_CONTAINER_TARGETS)) .PHONY: $(IN_CONTAINER) $(IN_CONTAINER): %-in-container: $(PODMANCMD) run --rm --env HOME=/root \ -v $(CURDIR):/src -w /src \ --security-opt label=disable \ docker.io/library/golang:1.22 \ make $(*) ### ### Primary binary-build targets ### # Make sure to warn in case we're building without the systemd buildtag. bin/podman: $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum ifeq (,$(findstring systemd,$(BUILDTAGS))) @echo "Podman is being compiled without the systemd build tag. \ Install libsystemd on Ubuntu or systemd-devel on rpm based \ distro for journald support." endif $(GOCMD) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \ -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \ -o $@ ./cmd/podman test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || chcon -t container_runtime_exec_t $@ # Disambiguate Linux vs Darwin/Windows platform binaries under distinct "bin" dirs $(SRCBINDIR): mkdir -p $(SRCBINDIR) # '|' is to ignore SRCBINDIR mtime; see: info make 'Types of Prerequisites' $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX): $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum | $(SRCBINDIR) $(GOCMD) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \ -o $@ ./cmd/podman $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_%: GOARCH = $(patsubst $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_%,%,$@) $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_%: GOOS = linux $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_amd64 $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_arm64: $(SRCBINDIR) $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum CGO_ENABLED=0 \ $(GO) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC)' \ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \ -o $@ ./cmd/podman .PHONY: podman podman: bin/podman # This will map to the right thing on Linux, Windows, and Mac. .PHONY: podman-remote podman-remote: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) $(SRCBINDIR)/quadlet: $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum $(GOCMD) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \ -tags "${BUILDTAGS}" \ -o $@ ./cmd/quadlet .PHONY: quadlet quadlet: bin/quadlet .PHONY: podman-remote-static podman-remote-static-linux_amd64 podman-remote-static-linux_arm64 podman-remote-static: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static podman-remote-static-linux_amd64: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_amd64 podman-remote-static-linux_arm64: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static-linux_arm64 .PHONY: podman-winpath podman-winpath: $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GOOS=windows \ $(GO) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ -ldflags -H=windowsgui \ -o bin/windows/winpath.exe \ ./cmd/winpath .PHONY: podman-mac-helper podman-mac-helper: ## Build podman-mac-helper for macOS CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GOOS=darwin \ GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ $(GO) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ -o bin/darwin/podman-mac-helper \ ./cmd/podman-mac-helper bin/rootlessport: $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) \ $(GO) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ -o $@ ./cmd/rootlessport .PHONY: rootlessport rootlessport: bin/rootlessport # podmansh calls `podman exec` into the `podmansh` container when used as # os.Args[0] and is intended to be set as a login shell for users. # Run: `man 1 podmansh` for details. podmansh: bin/podman if [ ! -f bin/podmansh ]; then ln -s podman bin/podmansh; fi $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-testing: $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum $(GOCMD) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \ -tags "${BUILDTAGS}" \ -o $@ ./cmd/podman-testing .PHONY: podman-testing podman-testing: bin/podman-testing ### ### Secondary binary-build targets ### .PHONY: generate-bindings generate-bindings: ifneq ($(GOOS),darwin) $(GOCMD) generate ./pkg/bindings/... ; endif # DO NOT USE: use local-cross instead bin/podman.cross.%: TARGET="$*"; \ GOOS="$${TARGET%%.*}"; \ GOARCH="$${TARGET##*.}"; \ CGO_ENABLED=0 \ $(GO) build \ $(BUILDFLAGS) \ $(GO_LDFLAGS) '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \ -tags '$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)' \ -o "$@" ./cmd/podman .PHONY: local-cross local-cross: $(CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Cross compile podman binary for multiple architectures .PHONY: cross cross: local-cross # Simple target to check that we can build all binaries for another arch, # the resulting binaries are not meant to be usable this is just for # testing if it builds, it depends on the caller to set GOOS/GOARCH. .PHONY: cross-binaries cross-binaries: $(MAKE) CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ BUILDTAGS="$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)" clean-binaries binaries .PHONY: completions completions: podman podman-remote # key = shell, value = completion filename declare -A outfiles=([bash]=%s [zsh]=_%s [fish]=%s.fish [powershell]=%s.ps1);\ for shell in $${!outfiles[*]}; do \ for remote in "" "-remote"; do \ podman="podman$$remote"; \ outfile=$$(printf "completions/$$shell/$${outfiles[$$shell]}" $$podman); \ ./bin/$$podman completion $$shell >| $$outfile; \ done;\ done ### ### Documentation targets ### pkg/api/swagger.yaml: .install.swagger make -C pkg/api $(MANPAGES_MD_GENERATED): %.md: %.md.in $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/options/*.md hack/markdown-preprocess $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/podman-troubleshooting.7.md: troubleshooting.md ( echo "% podman-troubleshooting 7"; echo; sed -e '/logo.*\.png/d' <$< ) >$@.tmp.$$ && \ mv $@.tmp.$$ $@ $(MANPAGES_SOURCE_DIR)/podman-rootless.7.md: rootless.md ( echo "% podman-rootless 7"; echo; sed -e '/logo.*\.png/d' <$< ) >$@.tmp.$$ && \ mv $@.tmp.$$ $@ $(MANPAGES): OUTFILE=$(subst source/markdown,build/man,$@) $(MANPAGES): %: %.md .install.md2man docdir # This does a bunch of filtering needed for man pages: # 1. Convert all markdown site links to plain text: # [foo](https://www.....) -> foo # 2. Strip man-page targets like '[podman(1)](podman.1.md)' # to just '[podman(1)]', because man pages have no link mechanism; # 3. Then remove the brackets: '[podman(1)]' -> 'podman(1)'; # 4. Remove HTML-ish stuff like '..' and '..' # 5. Replace "\" (backslash) at EOL with two spaces (no idea why) # Then two sanity checks: # 1. test for "included file options/blahblah"; this indicates a failure # in the markdown-preprocess tool; and # 2. run 'man -l' against the generated man page, and check for tables # with an empty right-hand column followed by an empty left-hand # column on the next line. (Technically, on the next-next line, # because the next line must be table borders). This is a horrible # unmaintainable rats-nest of duplication, obscure grep options, and # ASCII art. I (esm) believe the cost of releasing corrupt man pages # is higher than the cost of carrying this kludge. # @$(SED) -e 's/\[\([^]]*\)](http[^)]\+)/\1/g' \ -e 's/\((podman[^)]*\.md\(#.*\)\?)\)//g' \ -e 's/\[\(podman[^]]*\)\]/\1/g' \ -e 's;<\(/\)\?\(a\|a\s\+[^>]*\|sup\)>;;g' \ -e 's/\\$$/ /g' $< |\ $(GOMD2MAN) -out $(OUTFILE) @if grep 'included file options/' $(OUTFILE); then \ echo "FATAL: man pages must not contain ^^^^ in $(OUTFILE)"; exit 1; \ fi @if $(MAN_L) $(OUTFILE)| $(GREP) -Pazoq '│\s+│\n\s+├─+┼─+┤\n\s+│\s+│'; then \ echo "FATAL: $< has a too-long table column; use 'man -l $(OUTFILE)' and look for empty table cells."; exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: docdir docdir: mkdir -p docs/build/man .PHONY: docs docs: $(MANPAGES) ## Generate documentation @ln -sf $(CURDIR)/docs/source/markdown/links/* docs/build/man/ # docs/remote-docs.sh requires a locally executable 'podman-remote' binary # in addition to the target-architecture binary (if different). That's # what the NATIVE_GOOS make does in the first line. podman-remote-%-docs: podman-remote $(MAKE) clean-binaries $(MAKE) podman-remote GOOS=$(NATIVE_GOOS) GOARCH=$(NATIVE_GOARCH) $(eval GOOS := $*) $(MAKE) docs $(MANPAGES) rm -rf docs/build/remote mkdir -p docs/build/remote ln -sf $(CURDIR)/docs/source/markdown/links docs/build/man/ docs/remote-docs.sh \ $(GOOS) \ docs/build/remote/$* \ $(if $(findstring windows,$*),docs/source/markdown,docs/build/man) .PHONY: man-page-check man-page-check: man-page-checker xref-helpmsgs-manpages xref-quadlet-docs xref-quadlet-docs man-page-checker: bin/podman docs hack/man-page-checker xref-helpmsgs-manpages: bin/podman docs hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages man-page-table-check: docs hack/man-page-table-check xref-quadlet-docs: docs hack/xref-quadlet-docs .PHONY: swagger-check swagger-check: hack/swagger-check .PHONY: swagger swagger: pkg/api/swagger.yaml .PHONY: docker-docs docker-docs: docs (cd docs; ./dckrman.sh ./build/man/*.1) # Workaround vim syntax highlighting bug: " ### ### Utility and Testing targets ### .PHONY: validate.completions validate.completions: SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash # Set shell to bash for this target validate.completions: completions # Check if the files can be loaded by the shell . completions/bash/podman if [ -x /bin/zsh ]; then /bin/zsh completions/zsh/_podman; fi if [ -x /bin/fish ]; then /bin/fish completions/fish/podman.fish; fi # Note: Assumes test/python/requirements.txt is installed & available .PHONY: run-docker-py-tests run-docker-py-tests: touch test/__init__.py env CONTAINERS_CONF=$(CURDIR)/test/apiv2/containers.conf pytest --disable-warnings test/python/docker/ rm -f test/__init__.py .PHONY: localunit localunit: test/goecho/goecho test/version/version rm -rf ${COVERAGE_PATH} && mkdir -p ${COVERAGE_PATH} UNIT=1 $(GINKGO) \ -r \ $(TESTFLAGS) \ --skip-package test/e2e,pkg/bindings,hack,pkg/machine/e2e \ --cover \ --covermode atomic \ --coverprofile coverprofile \ --output-dir ${COVERAGE_PATH} \ --tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \ --succinct $(GO) tool cover -html=${COVERAGE_PATH}/coverprofile -o ${COVERAGE_PATH}/coverage.html $(GO) tool cover -func=${COVERAGE_PATH}/coverprofile > ${COVERAGE_PATH}/functions cat ${COVERAGE_PATH}/functions | sed -n 's/\(total:\).*\([0-9][0-9].[0-9]\)/\1 \2/p' .PHONY: test test: localunit localintegration remoteintegration localsystem remotesystem ## Run unit, integration, and system tests. .PHONY: ginkgo-run # e2e tests need access to podman-registry ginkgo-run: PATH := $(PATH):$(CURDIR)/hack ginkgo-run: .install.ginkgo $(GINKGO) version $(GINKGO) -vv $(TESTFLAGS) --tags "$(TAGS) remote" $(GINKGOTIMEOUT) --flake-attempts $(GINKGO_FLAKE_ATTEMPTS) \ --trace $(if $(findstring y,$(GINKGO_NO_COLOR)),--no-color,) \ $(if $(findstring y,$(GINKGO_PARALLEL)),-p,) \ $(if $(FOCUS),--focus "$(FOCUS)" --silence-skips,) \ $(if $(FOCUS_FILE),--focus-file "$(FOCUS_FILE)" --silence-skips,) $(GINKGOWHAT) .PHONY: ginkgo ginkgo: $(MAKE) ginkgo-run TAGS="$(BUILDTAGS)" .PHONY: ginkgo-remote ginkgo-remote: $(MAKE) ginkgo-run TAGS="$(REMOTETAGS) remote_testing" .PHONY: testbindings # bindings tests need access to podman-registry testbindings: PATH := $(PATH):$(CURDIR)/hack testbindings: .install.ginkgo $(GINKGO) -v $(TESTFLAGS) --tags "$(TAGS) remote" $(GINKGOTIMEOUT) --trace --no-color --timeout 30m -v -r ./pkg/bindings/test .PHONY: localintegration localintegration: test-binaries ginkgo .PHONY: remoteintegration remoteintegration: test-binaries ginkgo-remote .PHONY: localmachine localmachine: # gitCommit needed by logformatter, to link to sources @echo /define.gitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) $(MAKE) ginkgo-run GINKGO_PARALLEL=n TAGS="$(REMOTETAGS)" GINKGO_FLAKE_ATTEMPTS=0 FOCUS_FILE=$(FOCUS_FILE) GINKGOWHAT=pkg/machine/e2e/. .PHONY: localsystem localsystem: # Wipe existing config, database, and cache: start with clean slate. $(RM) -rf ${HOME}/.local/share/containers ${HOME}/.config/containers PODMAN=$(CURDIR)/bin/podman QUADLET=$(CURDIR)/bin/quadlet bats -T --filter-tags '!ci:parallel' test/system/ PODMAN=$(CURDIR)/bin/podman QUADLET=$(CURDIR)/bin/quadlet bats -T --filter-tags ci:parallel -j $$(nproc) test/system/ .PHONY: remotesystem remotesystem: # Wipe existing config, database, and cache: start with clean slate. $(RM) -rf ${HOME}/.local/share/containers ${HOME}/.config/containers # . Make sure there's no active podman server - if there is, # it's not us, and we have no way to know what it is. # . Start server. Wait to make sure it comes up. # . Run tests, pretty much the same as localsystem. # . Stop server. rc=0;\ if timeout -v 1 true; then \ if ./bin/podman-remote info; then \ echo "Error: podman system service (not ours) is already running" >&2;\ exit 1;\ fi;\ ./bin/podman system service --timeout=0 > $(if $(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),$(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),/dev/null) 2>&1 & \ retry=5;\ while [ $$retry -ge 0 ]; do\ echo Waiting for server...;\ sleep 1;\ ./bin/podman-remote info >/dev/null 2>&1 && break;\ retry=$$(expr $$retry - 1);\ done;\ if [ $$retry -lt 0 ]; then\ echo "Error: ./bin/podman system service did not come up" >&2;\ exit 1;\ fi;\ env PODMAN="$(CURDIR)/bin/podman-remote" bats -T --filter-tags '!ci:parallel' test/system/ ;\ env PODMAN="$(CURDIR)/bin/podman-remote" bats -T --filter-tags ci:parallel -j $$(nproc) test/system/ ;\ rc=$$?;\ kill %1;\ else \ echo "Skipping $@: 'timeout -v' unavailable'";\ fi;\ exit $$rc .PHONY: localapiv2-bash localapiv2-bash: env PODMAN=./bin/podman stdbuf -o0 -e0 ./test/apiv2/test-apiv2 .PHONY: localapiv2-python localapiv2-python: env CONTAINERS_CONF=$(CURDIR)/test/apiv2/containers.conf PODMAN=./bin/podman \ pytest --verbose --disable-warnings ./test/apiv2/python # Order is important running python tests first causes the bash tests # to fail, see 12-imagesMore. FIXME order of tests should not matter .PHONY: localapiv2 localapiv2: localapiv2-bash localapiv2-python .PHONY: remoteapiv2 remoteapiv2: true .PHONY: system.test-binary system.test-binary: .install.ginkgo $(GO) test -c ./test/system .PHONY: test-binaries test-binaries: test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp test/goecho/goecho install.catatonit test/version/version @echo "Canonical source version: $(call err_if_empty,RELEASE_VERSION)" .PHONY: tests-included tests-included: contrib/cirrus/pr-should-include-tests .PHONY: test-jira-links-included test-jira-links-included: contrib/cirrus/pr-should-link-jira .PHONY: tests-expect-exit tests-expect-exit: @if grep -E --line-number 'Expect.*ExitCode' test/e2e/*.go | grep -E -v ', ".*"\)'; then \ echo "^^^ Unhelpful use of Expect(ExitCode())"; \ echo " Please use '.Should(Exit(...))' pattern instead."; \ echo " If that's not possible, please add an annotation (description) to your assertion:"; \ echo " Expect(...).To(..., \"Friendly explanation of this check\")"; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: pr-removes-fixed-skips pr-removes-fixed-skips: contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips ### ### Release/Packaging targets ### .PHONY: podman-release podman-release: podman-release-$(GOARCH).tar.gz # Build all Linux binaries for $GOARCH, docs., and installation tree, into a tarball. # The following two targets are nuanced and complex: # Cross-building the podman-remote documentation requires a functional # native architecture executable. However `make` only deals with # files/timestamps, it doesn't understand if an existing binary will # function on the system or not. This makes building cross-platform # releases incredibly accident-prone and fragile. The only practical # way to deal with this, is via multiple conditional (nested) `make` # calls along with careful manipulation of `$GOOS` and `$GOARCH`. podman-release-%.tar.gz: test/version/version $(eval tmpsubdir := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX)) $(eval releasedir := podman-v$(call err_if_empty,RELEASE_NUMBER)) $(eval _dstargs := "DESTDIR=$(tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)" "PREFIX=$(RELEASE_PREFIX)") $(eval GOARCH := $*) mkdir -p "$(call err_if_empty,tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)" $(MAKE) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(NATIVE_GOARCH) \ clean-binaries docs podman-remote-$(GOOS)-docs if [[ "$(GOARCH)" != "$(NATIVE_GOARCH)" ]]; then \ $(MAKE) CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ BUILDTAGS="$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)" clean-binaries binaries; \ else \ $(MAKE) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) binaries; \ fi $(MAKE) $(_dstargs) install.bin install.remote install.man install.systemd tar -czvf $@ --xattrs -C "$(tmpsubdir)" "./$(releasedir)" if [[ "$(GOARCH)" != "$(NATIVE_GOARCH)" ]]; then $(MAKE) clean-binaries; fi -rm -rf "$(tmpsubdir)" podman-remote-release-%.zip: test/version/version ## Build podman-remote for %=$GOOS_$GOARCH, and docs. into an installation zip. $(eval tmpsubdir := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX)) $(eval releasedir := podman-$(call err_if_empty,RELEASE_NUMBER)) $(eval _dstargs := "DESTDIR=$(tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)" "PREFIX=$(RELEASE_PREFIX)") $(eval GOOS := $(firstword $(subst _, ,$*))) $(eval GOARCH := $(lastword $(subst _, ,$*))) $(eval _GOPLAT := GOOS=$(call err_if_empty,GOOS) GOARCH=$(call err_if_empty,GOARCH)) mkdir -p "$(call err_if_empty,tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)" $(MAKE) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ clean-binaries podman-remote-$(GOOS)-docs if [[ "$(GOARCH)" != "$(NATIVE_GOARCH)" ]]; then \ $(MAKE) CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOPLAT) BUILDTAGS="$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)" \ clean-binaries podman-remote; \ else \ $(MAKE) $(GOPLAT) podman-remote; \ fi if [[ "$(GOOS)" == "windows" ]]; then \ $(MAKE) $(GOPLAT) TMPDIR="" win-gvproxy; \ fi if [[ "$(GOOS)" == "darwin" ]]; then \ $(MAKE) $(GOPLAT) podman-mac-helper;\ fi cp -r ./docs/build/remote/$(GOOS) "$(tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)/docs/" cp ./contrib/remote/containers.conf "$(tmpsubdir)/$(releasedir)/" $(MAKE) $(GOPLAT) $(_dstargs) SELINUXOPT="" install.remote cd "$(tmpsubdir)" && \ zip --recurse-paths "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./$(releasedir)" if [[ "$(GOARCH)" != "$(NATIVE_GOARCH)" ]]; then $(MAKE) clean-binaries; fi -rm -rf "$(tmpsubdir)" # Downloads pre-built gvproxy and win-sshproxy helpers. See comment on GV_VERSION declaration .PHONY: win-gvproxy win-gvproxy: test/version/version mkdir -p bin/windows/ curl -sSL -o bin/windows/gvproxy.exe --retry 5 https://github.com/containers/gvisor-tap-vsock/releases/download/$(GV_VERSION)/gvproxy-windowsgui.exe curl -sSL -o bin/windows/win-sshproxy.exe --retry 5 https://github.com/containers/gvisor-tap-vsock/releases/download/$(GV_VERSION)/win-sshproxy.exe .PHONY: rpm rpm: ## Build rpm packages $(MAKE) -C rpm ### ### Installation targets ### # Remember that rpms install exec to /usr/bin/podman while a `make install` # installs them to /usr/local/bin/podman which is likely before. Always use # a full path to test installed podman or you risk to call another executable. .PHONY: rpm-install rpm-install: package ## Install rpm packages $(call err_if_empty,PKG_MANAGER) -y install rpm/RPMS/*/*.rpm /usr/bin/podman version /usr/bin/podman info # will catch a broken conmon .PHONY: install install: install.bin install.remote install.man install.systemd ## Install binaries to system locations .PHONY: install.catatonit install.catatonit: ./hack/install_catatonit.sh .PHONY: install.remote install.remote: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) \ $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) test "${GOOS}" != "windows" || \ install -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/win-sshproxy.exe $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) test "${GOOS}" != "windows" || \ install -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/gvproxy.exe $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) test "${GOOS}" != "darwin" || \ install -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-mac-helper $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || \ chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote \ bin/podman-remote .PHONY: install.bin install.bin: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/podman $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman ln -sf podman $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podmansh test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman bin/podman install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN) ifneq ($(shell uname -s),FreeBSD) install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/rootlessport $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN)/rootlessport test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN)/rootlessport bin/rootlessport install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/quadlet $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN)/quadlet install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR) ln -sfr $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN)/quadlet $(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR)/podman-system-generator install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(USERSYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR) ln -sfr $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXECPODMAN)/quadlet $(DESTDIR)$(USERSYSTEMDGENERATORSDIR)/podman-user-generator install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)${TMPFILESDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/tmpfile/podman.conf $(DESTDIR)${TMPFILESDIR}/podman.conf endif .PHONY: install.testing install.testing: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/podman-testing $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-testing .PHONY: install.modules-load install.modules-load: # This should only be used by distros which might use iptables-legacy, this is not needed on RHEL install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)${MODULESLOADDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/modules-load.d/podman-iptables.conf $(DESTDIR)${MODULESLOADDIR}/podman-iptables.conf .PHONY: install.man install.man: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 $(filter %.1,$(MANPAGES_DEST)) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docs/source/markdown/links/*1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 $(filter %.5,$(MANPAGES_DEST)) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docs/source/markdown/links/*5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 $(filter %.7,$(MANPAGES_DEST)) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7 .PHONY: install.completions install.completions: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)${BASHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/bash/podman $(DESTDIR)${BASHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/bash/podman-remote $(DESTDIR)${BASHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)${ZSHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/zsh/_podman $(DESTDIR)${ZSHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/zsh/_podman-remote $(DESTDIR)${ZSHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)${FISHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/fish/podman.fish $(DESTDIR)${FISHINSTALLDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 completions/fish/podman-remote.fish $(DESTDIR)${FISHINSTALLDIR} # There is no common location for powershell files so do not install them. Users have to source the file from their powershell profile. .PHONY: install.docker install.docker: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) $(eval INTERPOLATED_DOCKER_SCRIPT := $(shell mktemp)) env BINDIR=${BINDIR} ETCDIR=${ETCDIR} envsubst < docker/docker.in > ${INTERPOLATED_DOCKER_SCRIPT} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 ${INTERPOLATED_DOCKER_SCRIPT} $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/docker rm ${INTERPOLATED_DOCKER_SCRIPT} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR} $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR} $(DESTDIR)${TMPFILESDIR} $(DESTDIR)${USERTMPFILESDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)${ETCDIR}/profile.d install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docker/podman-docker.sh $(DESTDIR)${ETCDIR}/profile.d/podman-docker.sh install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docker/podman-docker.csh $(DESTDIR)${ETCDIR}/profile.d/podman-docker.csh install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-docker.conf -t $(DESTDIR)${TMPFILESDIR} install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-docker.conf -t $(DESTDIR)${USERTMPFILESDIR} .PHONY: install.docker-docs install.docker-docs: install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docs/build/man/docker*.1 -t $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 docs/build/man/docker*.5 -t $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 .PHONY: install.docker-full install.docker-full: install.docker install.docker-docs .PHONY: install.systemd ifneq (,$(findstring systemd,$(BUILDTAGS))) PODMAN_UNIT_FILES = contrib/systemd/auto-update/podman-auto-update.service \ contrib/systemd/system/podman.service \ contrib/systemd/system/podman-restart.service \ contrib/systemd/system/podman-kube@.service \ contrib/systemd/system/podman-clean-transient.service %.service: %.service.in sed -e 's;@@PODMAN@@;$(BINDIR)/podman;g' $< >$@.tmp.$$ \ && mv -f $@.tmp.$$ $@ install.systemd: $(PODMAN_UNIT_FILES) install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR} $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR} # User services install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/auto-update/podman-auto-update.service $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman-auto-update.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/auto-update/podman-auto-update.timer $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman-auto-update.timer install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman.socket $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman.service $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-restart.service $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman-restart.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-kube@.service $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman-kube@.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-clean-transient.service $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman-clean-transient.service # System services install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/auto-update/podman-auto-update.service $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman-auto-update.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/auto-update/podman-auto-update.timer $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman-auto-update.timer install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman.socket $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman.service $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-restart.service $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman-restart.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-kube@.service $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman-kube@.service install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 644 contrib/systemd/system/podman-clean-transient.service $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman-clean-transient.service rm -f $(PODMAN_UNIT_FILES) else install.systemd: endif .PHONY: install.tools install.tools: .install.golangci-lint ## Install needed tools $(MAKE) -C test/tools .PHONY: .install.goimports .install.goimports: $(MAKE) -C test/tools build/goimports .PHONY: .install.ginkgo .install.ginkgo: $(MAKE) -C test/tools build/ginkgo .PHONY: .install.gitvalidation .install.gitvalidation: $(MAKE) -C test/tools build/git-validation .PHONY: .install.golangci-lint .install.golangci-lint: VERSION=$(GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION) ./hack/install_golangci.sh .PHONY: .install.swagger .install.swagger: $(MAKE) -C test/tools build/swagger .PHONY: .install.md2man .install.md2man: if [ ! -x "$(GOMD2MAN)" ]; then \ $(MAKE) -C test/tools build/go-md2man GOOS=$(NATIVE_GOOS) GOARCH=$(NATIVE_GOARCH); \ fi .PHONY: .install.pre-commit .install.pre-commit: if [ -z "$(PRE_COMMIT)" ]; then \ $(PYTHON) -m pip install --user pre-commit; \ fi .PHONY: release-artifacts release-artifacts: clean-binaries mkdir -p release/ $(MAKE) podman-remote-release-darwin_amd64.zip mv podman-remote-release-darwin_amd64.zip release/ $(MAKE) podman-remote-release-darwin_arm64.zip mv podman-remote-release-darwin_arm64.zip release/ $(MAKE) podman-remote-release-windows_amd64.zip mv podman-remote-release-windows_amd64.zip release/ $(MAKE) podman-remote-static-linux_amd64 tar -cvzf podman-remote-static-linux_amd64.tar.gz bin/podman-remote-static-linux_amd64 $(MAKE) podman-remote-static-linux_arm64 tar -cvzf podman-remote-static-linux_arm64.tar.gz bin/podman-remote-static-linux_arm64 mv podman-remote-static-linux*.tar.gz release/ cd release/; sha256sum *.zip *.tar.gz > shasums .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: for i in $(filter %.1,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/$$(basename $${i}); \ done; \ for i in $(filter %.5,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/$$(basename $${i}); \ done # Remove podman and remote bin rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote # Remove related config files rm -f $(DESTDIR)${ETCDIR}/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist rm -f $(DESTDIR)${TMPFILESDIR}/podman.conf rm -f $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket rm -f $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket rm -f $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.service rm -f $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service rm -f $(DESTDIR)${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket rm -f $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket rm -f $(DESTDIR)${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service .PHONY: clean-binaries clean-binaries: ## Remove platform/architecture specific binary files rm -rf \ bin .PHONY: clean clean: clean-binaries ## Clean all make artifacts rm -rf \ _output \ $(wildcard podman-*.msi) \ $(wildcard podman-remote*.zip) \ $(wildcard podman_tmp_*) \ $(wildcard podman*.tar.gz) \ build \ test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp \ test/goecho/goecho \ test/version/version \ test/__init__.py \ test/testdata/redis-image \ libpod/container_ffjson.go \ libpod/pod_ffjson.go \ libpod/container_easyjson.go \ libpod/pod_easyjson.go \ docs/build \ .venv make -C docs clean