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# man-page-name-checker - validate and cross-reference man page names
# FIXME as of 2019-03-20 there are still four files with inconsistent names:
# podman-logs.1.md NAME= podman-container-logs
# podman-info.1.md NAME= podman-system-info
# podman-rm.1.md NAME= podman-container-rm
# podman-rmi.1.md NAME= podman-image-rm
# If those four get renamed (with suitable symlink fixes), this script
# can be enabled in CI to prevent future inconsistencies.
die() {
echo "$(basename $0): $*" >&2
exit 1
cd $(dirname $0)/../docs || die "Please run me from top-level libpod dir"
for md in *.1.md;do
# Read the first line after '# NAME' (or '## NAME'). (FIXME: # and ##
# are not the same; should we stick to one convention?)
# There may be more than one name, e.g. podman-info.1.md has
# podman-system-info then another line with podman-info. We
# care only about the first.
name=$(egrep -A1 '^#* NAME' $md|tail -1|awk '{print $1}' | tr -d \\\\)
if [ "$name" != "$(basename $md .1.md)" ]; then
printf "%-32s NAME= %s\n" $md $name
# Pass 2: compare descriptions.
# Make sure the descriptive text in podman-foo.1.md matches the one
# in the table in podman.1.md.
for md in *.1.md;do
desc=$(egrep -A1 '^#* NAME' $md|tail -1|sed -e 's/^podman[^ ]\+ - //')
# podman.1.md has a two-column table; podman-*.1.md all have three.
parent=$(echo $md | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)-.*$/\1.1.md/')
if expr -- "$parent" : ".*-" >/dev/null; then
# Find the descriptive text in the parent man page.
# Strip off the final period; let's not warn about such minutia.
parent_desc=$(grep $md $parent | awk -F'|' "{print \$$x}" | sed -e 's/^ \+//' -e 's/ \+$//' -e 's/\.$//')
if [ "$desc" != "$parent_desc" ]; then
printf " %-32s = '%s'\n" $md "$desc"
printf " %-32s = '%s'\n" $parent "$parent_desc"
# Pass 3: compare synopses.
# Make sure the SYNOPSIS line in podman-foo.1.md reads '**podman foo** ...'
for md in *.1.md;do
# FIXME: several pages have a multi-line form of SYNOPSIS in which
# many or all flags are enumerated. Some of these are trivial
# and really should be made into one line (podman-container-exists,
# container-prune, others); some are more complicated and I
# would still like to see them one-lined (container-runlabel,
# image-trust) but I'm not 100% comfortable doing so myself.
# To view those:
# $ less $(for i in docs/*.1.md;do x=$(grep -A2 '^#* SYNOPSIS' $i|tail -1); if [ -n "$x" ]; then echo $i;fi;done)
synopsis=$(egrep -A1 '^#* SYNOPSIS' $md|tail -1)
# Command name must be bracketed by double asterisks; options and
# arguments are bracketed by single ones.
# E.g. '**podman volume inspect** [*options*] *volume*...'
# Get the command name, and confirm that it matches the md file name.
cmd=$(echo "$synopsis" | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\*\*.*/\1/' | tr -d \* | tr ' ' '-')
if [ "$md" != "$cmd.1.md" ]; then
printf " %-32s SYNOPSIS = %s\n" $md "$cmd"
# The convention is to use UPPER CASE in 'podman foo --help',
# but *lower case bracketed by asterisks* in the man page
if expr "$synopsis" : ".*[A-Z]" >/dev/null; then
printf " %-32s UPPER-CASE '%s'\n" $md "$synopsis"
# (for debugging, and getting a sense of standard conventions)
#printf " %-32s ------ '%s'\n" $md "$synopsis"
# FIXME: some day: run ./bin/podman "args", extract Usage,
# strip off [flags] and [options], then compare arguments
exit $rc